This repository contains a suite of executables which allow for proper consolidation and normalization of Excel databases, through a series of commands, which allow to concatenate, fix values and map values to fix the disease databases used by the INS (Instituto Nacional de la Salud), in Colombia.


The repository, contains executables as well as the source code.

Python 3.x

tkinter (for GUI)

The requirements for the different executables’ source code can be installed by using pip install -r <path_to_desired_executable>/_codigo_fuente/requirements.txt


  • Each executable contains its own readme (LEEME.pdf).


  • INS does not use Cloud Services, as such all is handled through Excel files.
  • Not all databases are loaded, as some are bigger than 50MB, they can be found in the bases_finales folder.
  • All PII has been deleted.